An Old Tradition of Muraqaba or Meditation for restoring ‘Peace’ in Modern Living

Aneela Durrani Azeemi

The present age of science and technology is the magnificent creation of  the human mind which while adding great comfort and ease to the people’s living has simultaneously made him subservient to his own creation. The material approach to life has not only dragged him from his true self but has taken away his most precious thing “Peace”. This negative or disturbed human mind  has landed him  in a world of turmoil, starting at an individual level and rising to the global level in the shape of incurable diseases, mental illness, rising of  extremism, terrorism ,war and the natural threats like global warming and calamities

The human being is in search of something and that something missing is his own ‘Self’  and for peaceful living it is very important to have an inner connection; it necessitates the application of an old traditional skill of ‘muraqaba’ or meditation for restoring  peace. Meditation or ‘muraqaba’  is the term used for contemplating or focusing the mind on one point and that point unfolds one’s own Self. Thus self actualization is the key leading to further connecting to the cosmic consciousness or divinity. Therefore this paper will first attempt to understand the Sufi perspective of divine mystery or cosmic consciousness and its connection with the human mind. Then it would analyse the relationship between mind, body and soul and further  explore the use of ‘muraqaba’ or meditation as a tool to reach the ultimate reality.

Sufism, which is a mystical dimension of Islam, tells us that the universe is a divine mystery; the base of all existence is spirituality present in the shape of energy or light.

 All the revealed scriptures testify to this;

The Quran says: “Allah ho Noor us Samawat e Wal Ard” Allah is the light of Heaven and Earth”

Surah e Noor; Ayat 35

 The Torah gives evidence that Moses saw light on Mount Sinai.

 The Buddha after 40 days of meditation saw light and  called it Nirvana or Enlightenment.

This testifies that energy or Divine light is Ultimate Reality.

However, scientific knowledge has also discovered this light in the form of energy and states: “Everything is made up of energy” and according to the law of conservation of energy says “Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.

If human beings were to focus on  our existence they would observe that their lives are revolving  around energy. For our survival we humans and all living things need energy, whatever we eat converts into energy and the left over is waste which we excrete.

The human being is considered to be the best creation not because of intellectual capabilities but because of hidden knowledge within, in the form of  a spark of light or energy known as spirit or rooh. Therefore  a human being is not merely confined to the body of flesh and bones but carries a living microcosm within. Interestingly this “noor” is full of unlimited potential and power and is concealed  in all humans as “nuqta e zaat” or an energy code like a chip .To make it more clear we can relate it to the example of a computer, as in the computer we have a chip for built-in programs within the system. In order to use these programs we need to activate this chip otherwise we cannot benefit from any of its programs. The same is the case with a human being, the most sophisticated programmed creation with a reservoir of primordial knowledge called  Nuqta e Zaat which needs to be activated. Any human being irrespective of any religion or gender can activate these hidden energies and can reach  Irfan,Nirvan Or Gayan  which means enlightenment.

 Moreover Sufi knowledge further tells us that the human spirit is the combination of 70,000 layers of energy and each layer has its own significance and potential. These layers are interconnected to the entire cosmic consciousness or Divinity. These layers carry a tinge of negativity in the shape of anger, hate, jealousy and biases whereas the major part of it is positive and full of power. When a soul comes into this world it adopts the body as a medium in the form of  a baby and a layer surrounds the baby’s consciousness which gets thickened slowly and gradually along with the child’s growth . When the human body becomes mature this layer turns into a strong grid commonly referred to as Ego .This is one of the toughest layers; the negative part of this ego is the biggest challenge for the human being to overcome. but on the other hand if the positive side of  this ego is  focussed upon, it can lead to self actualisation. We can make it more clear by the comparison of carbon and the diamond, just as the carbon layer encircles the radiant diamond  in the same way the Ego layer encircles the  Soul or Energy.

Proper contemplation helps the soul radiance to emerge and transcend the negative Ego.

History gives evidence that all prophets, sages ,sufis and saints focussed on this inner dimension.

Whosoever can achieve the ability to understand this phenomena can reach  the ultimate reality and can become Arif or Allah’s friend.This true human being and co-worker in  divine administration  is known as ‘Nizam e Taqween’ in sufi terminology.

Hence one such tool which the sufis used and practised for achieving self actualisation is muraqaba or meditation .This practice cleanses the mind of irrelevant thoughts and works on the Ego layer so as to activate the radiant diamond ‘nuqta e Zaat’.

Muraqba is an exercise to contemplate and connect to the knowledge of Self or Soul (esoteric knowledge). It is assumed that Muraqaba is simply sitting in some specific pose and merely shutting one’s eyes but in fact it is the angel of perception (tarz e fikr) through whom the person doing Muraqaba frees himself or herself from outward (zahir) senses and begins their journey

towards  inward senses (batin)This is the most effective way of activating and enhancing sense which turns the dormant senses into  a vibrant and awake mode and thus  one can explore those forces that are beyond the scope of physical senses. Through this primordial knowledge too can be explored leading to divine wisdom and enlightenment.



Muraqaba has multiple benefits such as physical, psychological and social and first and foremost it improves concentration, immunity and memory.It also helps prevent psychological complications and controls our negative thoughts and emotions thereby by giving us the feeling of serenity and tranquility. Overall we are able to perform well in our daily life whether at work  or in a relationship. Healthy minds can restore healthy societies.

Muraqaba is still practiced in all the major religions and is the legacy of all the prophets , sufi, saints  and enlightened ones like Respected Buddha, Respected Jesus, Respected Moses, Respected Krishan jee and Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).

Jesus said,” Kingdom of God lies inside thee, find it within thyself”

Moses spent forty nights practicing Muraqaba on Mount Sinai.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) practiced Muraqaba in the cave on Mount Hira where he received revelation.

In the Bhagvad Gita, Arjuna said to Krishna:

“You have talked about self-realisation, but I have found my mind to be utterly confused.”

Sri Krishna replied;

“What you are saying is correct, but by using right resources, and through detachment and with continued dhyaan(Muraqaba),a confused mind can be focused”.

Patanjali Maharishi in his book Yoga Savitra has also given details about the exercises of Muraqaba to activate spiritual abilities.

Muraqaba also played a major part in Siddharta Guatama Buddha’s life. In search of truth and reality he spent forty days continuously in Muraqaba under a Bodhi tree in Gaya in India and finally he attained Nirvana or enlightenment. There are eight basic points in the teachings of Buddha and the eighth one is about the purification of thoughts and Muraqaba.

Muraqaba is the practice through which mind can be cleansed and a connection between body and soul can be established which is the source for restoring peace.



1. Azeemi, Hazrat Khwajah Shamsuddin. Muraqaba -The Art of Sufi Meditation.

2. Schimmel, Annemarie. Mystical Dimensions of Islam.

3.Iqbal,Allama Muhammad. Asrare Khudi(Secrets of Self ).