Love and the Subconscious

Love is universal.We all want to feel loved, right?  But what does love feel like?

Feelings are physical sensations in our body described with words such as hot, cold, tight, loose, soft, hard, tingling, stinging, pulsing, etc. Besides “good” (which is a conceptual label or judgment we place on a feeling), what does love feel like in the body? People generally describe love as feeling soft, tingly, warm or open. So why don’t we feel this way all the time? Seriously. Who doesn’t want to feel soft, tingly and warm all day, every day?

Editor's Note


Dear Readers,

We are here again with the fourth issue of Cloverleaf but in a time unlike any other ridden with the perils of Covid 19 and its associated devastation which is worldwide.

The tremendous loss of lives and livelihood in once prosperous nations and the worsening of calamities in war torn regions ironically leading to more misery could possibly wipe out all hope and confidence from our minds.

Publisher's Note

On Inclusiveness of Wisdom and Faith Traditions


Every cultural tradition seems to be marked by two ways of life. One is characterized by wisdom and the other by faith based upon belief and acceptance. Religious traditions may be many, but their wisdom is one. Wisdom transcends critical thinking yet is attained through it.

Meditation and Neuroplasticity: The Effects of Meditation on Visual, Auditory and Tactile Attention

The ability to focus on certain stimuli is known as sustained attention and it is one of the most fundamental units of the human perceptual system. Imagine an individual driving down a busy road in a busy city on a night with bad winter weather. Everywhere in sight there are people walking, cars honking, lights flashing and various smells. The driver sips on a coffee and at the same time is able to pay attention to the road ahead. In fact, all five of the driver’s sensory pathways are being activated.

Joyous Communication

How can we honestly express ourselves when we fear that others will think less of us?

How can we be true to our heart when we fear the reactions of those that we would like to be truthful to?

This is a perfect time to be conscious of a new way of dealing with old situations that no longer serve a purpose in just a few new, simple steps.


Chronological Alteration of Characteristics of the Main Principles in Sāṁkhya Philosophy: An Analysis


The synonym of the term philosophy in Sanskrit is ‘darśana’. From the derivation of the term darśna, it is denoted that the scriptures which act as a tool to obtain proper world-view, is considered as darśana, i.e. philosophy. Any avid reader of Indian Philosophy knows that it is divided into two definite cults, i.e. Āstika and Nāstika. It is opined that among the Āstika cult, Sāṁkhya is the oldest one. The great sage Kapila is considered as the founder of this system.

The Spiritual Journey and Its Hidden Meanings

Meditation, prayers and connecting with one’s inner soul are some ways of dealing with the stresses of modern life and a prescription for healing as is commonly known, but there are deeper levels to spiritual and emotional enrichment to be found in the writings of enlightened ones about the spiritual journey.

The words of Muinuddin Chishti, a revered thirteenth-century Sufi and great humanitarian, provide us with both a caution and a sound basis for our movement towards a better world:

Love all and hate none.

Mere talk of peace will avail you naught.

An Old Tradition of Muraqaba or Meditation for restoring ‘Peace’ in Modern Living

The present age of science and technology is the magnificent creation of  the human mind which while adding great comfort and ease to the people’s living has simultaneously made him subservient to his own creation. The material approach to life has not only dragged him from his true self but has taken away his most precious thing “Peace”.

One Town, One Heart, Ten Cultures

You would not expect much unity and harmony in a small town, but that is exactly what we have here in Sugar Land, Texas. Although Sugar Land is not exactly small with a population exceeding 88,000 there is certainly the feel of a “small town” within those city lines. One is unlikely to fill gas or get groceries without bumping into someone you went to high school with. There are many different types of people living side by side; like folks who displayed TRUMP lawn ornaments and there are many who vocally opposed him with every ounce of their fibre.

Roots Of Unity

            Scientists, especially those associated with Physics, have been engaged for a long in finding a particle that forms the basis of every material object in the world. The search has taken them from molecules to atoms to subatomic particles. Further development is expected to lead to discovery of an ultimate particle that is at the root of all existence.

Gratitude in Islamic Contemplative Ethics

In a well-known Muslim tradition, Muhammad the Prophet of Islam was once asked why he continued to exert himself so tirelessly in his nightly devotional prayers, to the point that his feet had grown swollen, when God had already forgiven him his faults, both of the past and future. “Shall I not be a thankful servant” he famously replied. This story which is frequently cited in literature as an example of gratitude or shukr, highlights the central place of gratitude in Muslim piety.

Editor’s Note

As we come out with the third issue of Cloverleaf some things are worth giving a thought to. The year 2018 has given us all a new hope and a new page for humanity to write its History on. While the rich and privileged made their mark with new houses, new businesses and new achievements, the poor, the under privileged and the refugees of various warring nations continued the same as before torn from their homes, looking forward to safe sanctuary and survival midst homelessness and unforgiving winters.